TPL reinforced adhesive tape, КРЕПП masking tape, РET double-sided scotch tape

Special purpose adhesive tapes, branded packaging adhesive tapes, protective films.

In 2005, Brandtape company started its work in the market of packaging materials, by launching into production packaging tape, special tapes, and protection films with the logotype printing opportunity.

Brandtape LogoBranded adhesive tape will ensure the uniqueness of the product packaging and its safety during transportation and storage.

Brendtape akcia



The company produces packaging adhesive tape for industrial corrugated packaging, paper gluing, various films and other packaging operations, and technical adhesive tapes are widely used in industry and everyday life.

Brandtape ТPL


Adhesive tape with the company's logo, promotional tape, both surface and interlayer printing;

Packaging, freeze-proof adhesive tape;

Reinforced adhesive tape TPL;

Masking tape (КРЕПП);

Aluminum adhesive tape;

Brandtape firmen


Metalized adhesive tape; 

Double-sided scotch tape PET, two-side paper-based scotch tape; 

Double-sided tape on a fabric basis, double-sided foam tape;

Glass fiber reinforced adhesive tape.



You can meet the company's representatives and learn more information at the KazBuild 2019 Exhibition on September 4-6, 2019, in Almaty city, Timiryazev street, 42, Atakent International Exhibition Center. We are waiting for you!

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